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Brexit: UK Regulatory Agencies Brexit, Read more The Middle East:
Ten Years’ on from the Arab Spring
Security, Read more
Brexit: The negotiating positions of the UK and the EU Brexit, Read more The UK-EU Negotiations: Fishing Brexit, Read more Britain and the EU: What next? Brexit, Read more The 2019 Party Election Manifestos and the European Union Brexit, Read more The New European Commission 2019-2024 How the EU works, Read more The world economy in 2020:
Heading for a crash?
Prosperity, Read more
The costs and implications of a no deal Brexit Brexit, Read more Brexit:
What is the scope for re-opening the negotiations with the EU?
Brexit, Read more
The New European Parliament 2019-2024 How the EU works, Read more Brexit: Timetable and next steps Brexit, Read more Project Hope:
A policy agenda for Britain in the EU
Brexit, Read more
Senior Appointments to EU Institutions in 2019 How the EU works, Read more Brexit: Where next for Britain and for Europe? Brexit, Read more Brexit: Policy options for the UK Brexit, Read more Free movement of persons within the EU:
An update
How the EU works, Read more
Arguments for and against a referendum on the outcome of the Brexit negotiations Brexit, Read more Parliamentary approval of a
Brexit deal with the EU
Brexit, Read more
The Dismantling of the
Rules-based Global Order
Security, Read more
What does a “no deal” Brexit mean? Brexit, Read more The “Chequers” Proposal:
The Brexit White Paper of July 2018
Brexit, Read more
Free Movement of Persons:
What the EU Rules Permit Now
Brexit, How the EU works, Read more